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4/24/09 – Rockabilly Girls’ Names & Bertha Lou!

Posted: April 24th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: rockabilly | Tags: , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Rockabilly Girls’ Names

Rockabilly music is rock n’ roll in its purest form; the perfect fusion of rhythm & blues and country & western.  This week’s show is a solid 45 minutes of classic Rockabilly Music featuring songs about girls’ names.  You’ll hear about “Pearly Lee”, “Cindy Lou” and this week’s Cat Fight, “Bertha Lou” between Dorsey Burnette & Clint Miller.  Dig on the show and then vote below.

Which One Do You DIG THE MOST? - "Bertha Lou"

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8 Comments on “4/24/09 – Rockabilly Girls’ Names & Bertha Lou!”

  1. 1 Niki said at 2:37 am on April 25th, 2009:

    Dear Matt, I start looking in my email early friday morning to find my Friday Night Cat Fight. I am always thrilled when that icon pops up and I can listen again to your great show, it is so great that it is extended to 45 min today ~ Yea!

    I am looking forward to listening to the new show posted. I have to be cautions here at work, CPA’s sometimes just don’t get it.

    Thanks for keeping the cat fight going and the other shows. I hope to hear you on the air very soon!


    Niki in Surf City, Huntington Beach

  2. 2 dave from ny said at 2:53 am on April 25th, 2009:

    furry leader i am always happy to get that mail each week and hear your voice

    you know i was and will always be a rock a billy fan so this week was extra special

    i have a few of my friends listening to you now and they love you just like all the night prowlers do

    rock and roll is here to stay and hopefully so are you furry leader keep prowling

  3. 3 Virginia said at 3:04 am on April 25th, 2009:

    Now that is my kind of FNCF Show I loved every single song. I think this is the music our parents were trying to protect us from hearing, sure glad they weren’t successful. Dorsey Burnette got my vote. Great show Matt, Thank You!

  4. 4 Sierra said at 3:12 am on April 25th, 2009:

    Hi, Matt! LOADS BETTER! Thanks for the great girls’ names cat fight; had to go with Dorsey this time, though both were great. Also thanks to Lee for the night prowl show from ’04; can’t wait for the next 2 parts. The earlier you can bring these things to us every week, the better! Hope you and CCK had a great vacation, and hope to hear more of this type in the future.

  5. 5 Yum Yum said at 5:59 am on April 25th, 2009:

    Hey everyone !! I heard of Linda Lu Lulu Lou Christie Lou Costello Boxcar Bertha but i never heard the song Bertha Lou and its not to bad !! There was a Tall Oak Tree with Bertha Lou sitting under it and just passing time Dreamin Johnny Burnett !! Yum Yum

  6. 6 jerry sullivan said at 9:31 am on April 26th, 2009:

    It’s nice to be a new member of the FNCF and it’s great to hear your voice again Matt.

  7. 7 The Shadow said at 1:22 am on April 29th, 2009:

    Yo Furry Leader
    That was a fantastic Rockabilly show, and both versions of Bertha Lou Really Rocked, but I’ve gotta give the nod to Dorsey for 2 reasons. Firsst, I’m a big fan of Dorsey, and his version hit me the best. Second, I like versions that you almost never hear, and that sure qualifies. Oh yeah, there’s a third reason. I usually go for original versions .
    Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for us next week.

  8. 8 David said at 1:33 am on May 1st, 2009:

    Oooooooooooooooooooo, Bay-beeeeeee! I DUG the rockabilly girls’ show! Man those cats can HOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLL!

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