Archive for May 28th, 2010

28th May
written by Matt The Cat

Friday Night Cat Fight Show

“Prisoner Of Love”

Six different versions of the 1931 song, “Prisoner Of Love” compete this week in the “World Famous” Friday Night Cat Fight. We begin with Russ Columbo’s original recorded version, which he also had a hand in writing. Then we move to Perry Como’s chart-topping rendition from 1946, a year that also saw 2 successful R&B performances of the tune. In 1960 Bo Diddley recorded a unique version of “Prisoner,” but it was never released. Finally, we end with one of James Brown’s biggest pop hits and his inspired take on “Prisoner Of Love.” Listen to all six versions of the tune before voting on which one you dig the most.

Also, on this week’s program, a song set salute to the 1960s dance, The Watusi as well as a set of songs about fairy tale legend, Little Red Riding Hood.

Click HERE To Listen To The Podcast

Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend and start of summer! If you feel like some summer songs, please visit my Cat Fights from last year at this time by using the “archive” menu to the right.

There will be no Cat Fight Show next week, but I will return on June 11, 2010.


Matt The Cat